Analisa Faktor-Faktor Yang Mempengaruhi Kinerja Pegawai Sub Dinas Perhubungan Kabupaten Wonogiri. … (70)

The paper is mainly objected to obtain the factors which are simultant and partially effected the works of the officials in sub-division of transportation services in District of Wonogiri. The questionaries that were made to get the answers are : (1) Do the factors of leadership, communication, reward and motivation simultant and partially have a positive and significant effect to the works of the officials in sub-division of transportation services in District of Wonogiri. (2) Which variables of leadership, communication, reward, communication and motivation that most effected to the works of the officials in sub-division of transportation services in District of Wonogiri.

To get a good result of the survey, firstly the writer carried out the validity and realibility test to the collected data and by using analisis tool descriptively and quantitatively. Quantitative analisis consist of classic assumption test, regression analisis and statistic test with t-test, and F-test. The calculation, interprestation and data analizing were collected by giving the questionaries to 36 officials of sub-division of transportation services which is processed in data computer from the data analisis and discussion has come to a conclusion that the factors of leadership, communication, reward and motivation were positively and significantly a effected to the works of the officials in sub-division of transportation services in district of Wonogiri. That was approved by constant point 0,737 and F calculation 8,226 > F-table 2,690. Based on the regression analisis, about the individual variable it was found that the factors such as, leadership, communication, reward and motivation have resulted in a conclusion as follows : (a) Leadership has a positive and significant effect to the works of the officials in sub division of transportation services in District of Wonogiri in the form of coefisien regression value 0,249 and t-statistic 1,783 > t-table 1,697. (b) Communication also has a positive and significant effect to the works of the officials in sub-division of transportation services in District of Wonogiri in the form of coefisient regression value 0,204 and t-statistics 1,704 > t-table 1,697. (c) Reward also has a positive and significant effect to the works of the officials in sub-division of transportation services in District of Wonogiri in the form of coefisient regression value 0,146 and t-statistics 1,993 > t-table 1,697. (d) Motivation also has a positive and significant effect to the works of the officials in sub-division of transportation services in District of Wonogiri in the form of coefisient regression value 0,209 and t-statistics 1,845 > t-table 1,697.

Leadership factor has a dominant contribution effect in the works of the official because the total value at the regression coefficient is 0,249 is the biggest, if it was compared with the other three variables. Regression model applied in this paper has fulfilled three requirements in classic assumption test such as no autocorrelation, no multicolinearities, and there is also no heterocedastisities happened so that regression model that was used is significantly approved.

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